Friday, December 31, 2010
New Year's Eve..oh my oh my oh my!'s New Year's Eve, or so I've been told. Seems as though I should be dashing about trying to finish a bunch of things before the year officially ends. Instead, it's nearly noon and I'm still in my pj's. No hurry. A new year will be here tomorrow and there'll be 365 new days to finish that bunch of things or start a few more! Happy New Year to all! May you leave all your worries behind and have a bright wonderful 2011!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Bottled Light
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Peaceful Storm

I'm always amused when people ask me what camera I use and how many mega pixels it has. I've long believed that while technology is great, at the end of the day good photography has little to do with the camera and a lot to do with opening our eyes and seeing the world around us. Today was a classic example.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Obsessed with White

When you live somewhere that is deep in snow for months each year...AND you've never lived in the snow before... it's easy to become obsessed with white. My new obsession is to discover the countless shades of white and the delicate textures of snow.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Not Just Any Monday...
The Day After…

It’s Sunday and Christmas has come and gone. So, too, the kids who came to visit… only their tire treads in the snow remain…and the rivulets where the snow melted and then froze in soft billowy folds.
The Reason for the Season…
It’s Christmas Day, all snowy and bright. As I sat staring out the window at the wide landscape swathed in white and thinking about the image I would create for this day, my thoughts turned to Mary – a strong, faithful, courageous, young, beautiful woman, a mother. There wouldn’t be a Christmas to celebrate without her, but with each passing year it seems to me as if that very idea might slip sadly into obscurity.
I haven’t put up holiday decorations in my house for years…partly because it seems I’ve always been on the go and partly because I bristle at the commercial aspects of Christmas. And yet I love the season. I find the greatest joy in remembering the many ways in which my life has been blessed, the good friends I have had, the comforts I’ve known, and the great kindnesses that have been shown to me. My favorite Christmases have had little to do with me and everything to do with others for whom I could do something nice.
This Mary, who seems deep in thought or prayer, was a favorite possession of my sweet dad. He found her somewhere in Tuscany while serving part of his tour of duty during WWII in
Friday, December 24, 2010
Reflecting on the End of Another Year


Now some people might call me Pollyanna-ish, and so I say "let them". It's just who I am. I wake up each day and am glad to be alive. If the sun is shining and the sky is blue, then so much the better. If it's rainy and cold, that's OK too... more flowers and fresher air when it comes to an end.
So I decided I needed a creative goal for 2011 ... something that would make me get out and make images every day. I promise not to do a "365 days of whatever" blog... we've all seen those and they can be pretty self-absorbed or boring or strange or yea, well you get the idea. My goal is to find everyday scenes that might seem ordinary or unworthy of attention and show you, the trusty viewer, that they are anything but ordinary. It's kind of a big goal, but I'm going to give it my best... so, see you on January 1.
Meanwhile, Merry Christmas. Enjoy the holiday.