Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Knitting Karma Konfessions

Alphabe-Thursday, here, again. And this week, over at Mrs. Jenny's it's kudos to the letter K, as in K is for Knit-wits.

My mother mastered the art of knitting in the days of her youth, living on a kibbutz. She tried to teach me when I was just past kindergarten, but I wasn’t too keen on the idea since I was kind of a klutz and never did quite get the kinetics of needle in each hand with yarn strung over knuckle.  I really didn’t even have a kernel of talent in that arena and most of my attempts just looked like a bunch of uneven knots. To say that this kid had a few kinks to work out would have been more than kind.

My anything-but-kosher mom was a little kooky, but always kindly, and tried to teach me in spite of my challenges. She even resorted to playing karaoke while I knitted, hoping that somehow I’d get the rhythm of it all and I’d be able to make a kaftan fit for a king, but the best I could come up with was a little ditty that looked like a cross between a kettle and a kangaroo pouch. It wouldn't even pass for a kite.

She seemed to get a kick out of watching me, even though I would glare at her with knife-like intensity as if to kill. She knew enough to leave me alone so it never turned into a full knockdown dragout. Instead, she’d just give me a little kiss on the cheek and say “it’s alright, Kumquat! Maybe you can take up the Kazoo!”

Wow, I'm about to keel over. But, if that wasn't enough for you, then the key is to check out what the other Alphabetarian kooks are cooking up over in Mrs. Jenny's kitchen by clicking HERE.


Judie said...

Year before last, at the Guild's winter arts and crafts show, I made almost $300 in one day selling 72 inch long scarves I knitted using homespun with fun fur knitted together. I ran out of scarves and had to start taking orders! Love this post, Anita!!!

Susan Anderson said...


You did a great job with K.

And knitting is so NOT my strong suit...

(besides, it gives me carpal tunnel)


Tina´s PicStory said...

so colorful and beautiful :)

jfb57 said...

what a super 'K' post! Lots of colour and fun!

Donna Heber said...


I loved your knitting post. Oh, if only I could knit or sew. I am happy to be joining everyone this week for the letter "K".

Lola said...

Great *K* post – so colourful and gorgeous!

Thanks for stopping by. Have a great weekend and look forward to *seeing* you again soon.

Vicki/Jake said...

HAHA, Kinky little ditty you wove here! I never got the hank of it either:)

EG CameraGirl said...

Loved reading how you put all these k-words together!

I have to tell you there may be still hope for you and knitting. I taught my left-handed daughter how to knit using a European method and her first efforts were awful but now she designs her own sweaters. And they are wonderful! But she loves colour and design so worked through her awkwardness. :))

Anonymous said...

Nice post! haaha, my mom loves knitting too. I sit with her every holiday but my dedication doesn't last for more than 5 mins!

Pondside said...

Kotty knitter, you! I thought we'd be treated to some wonderful knittly (it's a word, I swear!) creation from your kneadles. I love to look at yarn and knit a fair amount, but never anything too complicated!

gengen said...

I like to knit but knitting did not like me hehhe Cool one.

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

I'm a klutz also. I live in amazement of people who are "crafty"...

Ingrid said...

My mother was a knitting champion ! she knitted everything and to get a doll house for me she knitted pullovers for the kids of the carpenter as it was just after the war and money wasn't worth anything.
I have no patience knitting !

Leovi said...

Nice photos, I like the excellent colors of these threads and wool. Greetings.
PD. The Kimbanda has been transmuted into my picture.

Dana @ Bungalow'56 said...

What a great spin on the K post. I used to knit. But when I was almost finished knitting a sweater I made a pretty big mistake and put it down. Never to pick up the needles again.

Jenny said...

I love the homespun. Beautiful post.

storybeader said...

lots of fun! I've never got the knack of knitting. I'm too uncoordinated! {:-Deb

The Poet said...

My wife has been knitting since she was a young girl...she crochets too...although she doesn't engage much in either activity these days.
Nice post.
Thanks for sharing & visiting.

Kingship Of Love

mrs. c said...

you are soooo clever! I learned to knit when I was 9 but all I can do is knit and purl. I am left handed and have a difficult time following directions as they are written for "righties". I appreciate your kind words about my daughter's art. I am so proud of her!

Unknown said...

I can only knit scarves and mufflers and no fancy designs..... It is so much easier to buy one!!!

Cathy Kennedy said...

Ha, kute post! I would loved to have learned how to knit or crochet, but there was no one to teach me such skills. :( think about it I more than likely couldn't sit still long enough to finish these needle projects, as I recall I have several abandoned cross stitch jobs buried in a closet somewhere. Thanks for visiting!

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

I can knit and crochet simple things, but I can't follow any pattern. I love to mix up the designs though.

Great post!

Splendid Little Stars said...

love it! wonderful post!

Gattina's comment was most interesting! Imagine!

I knit some, but basically scarves.

Where my friends live in California, children are taught to knit in school.

Jenny said...

Anita! I love this post. It made me smile and nod my head in agreement.

Sweet Kumquat...I can't knit either!

