Wednesday, February 15, 2012

M is for Mable

Mazin’ Miss Mable, a Marvel of Modern Medicine 

We motored a few miles on over to Morgan, passing some majestic mountains on the way, to mark the 100th Valentine’s Day for a marvelous matriarch, my mother-in-law’s sister-in-law, Mable.

We had somehow managed to miss her 100th birthday milestone last month. If she was even minimally miffed about our mess-up, she never did make mention of it.  Mighty magnanimous of her, mind you.

We did make it to the mini-exhibit with its much memorabiliamaybe not a massive museum like the Met, but held at the modern library, it was magnificent enough.

That Mable, she’s mighty fine. From what I gathered, she's a mover and a shaker who's much-loved and still very mobile. Mentally, she's sharp as a machete; her memory is meticulous. Don't mess with Mable or she'll happily give you a piece of her mind and more.

It's mind-boggling, maybe even a miracle, how she's managed to maximize her mortality and I was mighty glad to get to mingle with her, even if just for a moment

Oh, did I forget to mention? Mable's quite masterful with the pen too...maybe she needs to start on the poem to magnify it so you can read it. If it doesn't make you laugh, then I find myself worried about your miserable mood...

Happy 100th, Mable...and may you yet make many more memories!!

And happy Alphabe-Thursday over at Mrs. Matlock's. She mumbled something about a mandate for this week's letter to be M. I'm betting that a multitude of other Alphabetarians hit the mark right on the money...check out their masterpieces by clicking HERE


Leovi said...

Nice pictures, very funny indeed M, nice post. Greetings.

Lola said...

What wonderful memories! Wonderful post!

My name is Riet said...

What a great memory post. I love your big Mosaic too.

Pam said...

Awww, what a nice post about Mable. She really is amazing. Thanks for making our memories much more memorable with your great photos and stories.

Tonya said...

What fun!!! I'd love to chat with Miss Mabel!!! She's probably full of magnificent tales! :)

Ingrid said...

If I could reach 100 in such a state, it would be wonderful !

Betty said...

How blessed she is to reach 100 and still be doing so well. Loved her poem.

NanE said...

What a great M post! Mabel looks amazing for 100 years young and you can tell she is sharp as machete. It boggles my mind to think of all the things she must have witnessed over the years. Have a wonderful weekend, Nan

Splendid Little Stars said...

a wonderful post! Ms Mable is a marvel! (I AM wondering about that red polka dot get-up!)

storybeader said...

how sweet! Maybe she'll manage the see your most lovely post! Makes me breath a sign of relief for my mom, who's mounting many years too! {:-Deb

The Poet said...

I think this is the funniest "M" post I've read so far this week. That Mable...she sure is something...what an amazing woman! It's love, dancing & poetry that keeps her young (smile). Way to go Mable!
Lovely post Anita. Thanks for sharing & visiting.

Midnight Rainbow

Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...


Pondside said...

Mable must be quite a character, judging from her poem. What a lot of memories she'd have to share - and I loved the old photos.

Esther Joy said...

I think I love your Aunt Mable!

Jenny said...

I absolutely adored this Marvelous Museum of Mable...

Sounds like she had quite a Magnetic personality...

And that poem was too cute... It definitely gave me a little chuckle...

Magnificent post for the letter "M"!

Thanks for linking.


~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

You're so good with your letter M. There are so many words to marvel on. It's great to know she made it to the perfect 100, and wish her many more years to come!

Unknown said...

How awesome! That first pic and Marvelous Mabel!! I only hope I can look as good at 1/2 her age!

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

Magnificent, marvelous Mable! Your post was truly perfect. Mable looks fantastic and I love her poetry :o)

Blessings & Aloha!
still trying to catch up on M posts...and here it is already time for N!