As I noodled over what narrative I could offer up for the naughty letter N, my mind went numb. I was nervous that I might end up with nil...nothing...nada. I thought to navigate the dictionary one more time, but it was for naught as the niggling thought nearly made me nauseated. And then in a nanosecond, it hit me like a nasty pair of neglected Nikes straight to the noggin! The neurons started firing like neon flashbulbs in the night. What do I know, after all? Nikon, yes, my nifty Nikon.
If you know me, you may have noticed that from time to time I lift my head from my navel-gazing and my narcotic-like addiction to my much loved Nikon with its amazing nano-technology and shoot with my namby-pamby cell phone camera instead. Perhaps you think I’m nuts, even a numskull.
I hope you know that I'm not some nincompoop neophyte. It’s not a negative thing that I would use a camera intended for a novice to nab a shot.
I’m not naive enough to think that my cell phone produces the kind of images that are the norm for my Nikon. Nowhere near! Needs like shooting nature, nebula or night scenes necessitate using a more sophisticated camera, where I can control the nth degree of detail, negotiate the amount of light and keep digital noise to a negligible level. Nonetheless, with numerous improvements in technology, the nuances are only nominally noticeable to the naked eye.
Notwithstanding all its wonderfulness, the Nikon can be a nuisance to have hanging around my neck like a noose. True, there is nothing like it. Nonetheless, there is nothing like not having to navigate its complicated network of controls and the novel approach of shooting willy-nilly from the hip and getting numerous non-standard images that can be little nuggets of art.
In the not-too-distant past, we even shot with film - yes, negatives - if you recall, which sometimes produced...well...nothing. And then all one was left with were neurochromes...little nebulous memories that need to be nurtured in one’s mind because they exist nowhere else.
Now, what's next? I say shoot with either or, but never neither nor. Nice new stuff is always nipping at your heels. For today - at least until noon - no Nikon. Soon my new Nikon will be arriving neatly on my doorstep and I, living like a nabob, will be starting a whole new nefarious love affair with it!! Nanner nanner manner.
Hope you enjoyed my no-Nikon images...
And that's my nickel's worth on N for Alphabe-Thursday. Nullify any notion to be a nay-sayer or turn up your nose; navigate your way over to nearby Mrs. Jenny's (by clicking HERE) and nibble on my nice Alphabetarian neighbors' notes on N.
I hope you know that I'm not some nincompoop neophyte. It’s not a negative thing that I would use a camera intended for a novice to nab a shot.
I’m not naive enough to think that my cell phone produces the kind of images that are the norm for my Nikon. Nowhere near! Needs like shooting nature, nebula or night scenes necessitate using a more sophisticated camera, where I can control the nth degree of detail, negotiate the amount of light and keep digital noise to a negligible level. Nonetheless, with numerous improvements in technology, the nuances are only nominally noticeable to the naked eye.
Notwithstanding all its wonderfulness, the Nikon can be a nuisance to have hanging around my neck like a noose. True, there is nothing like it. Nonetheless, there is nothing like not having to navigate its complicated network of controls and the novel approach of shooting willy-nilly from the hip and getting numerous non-standard images that can be little nuggets of art.
In the not-too-distant past, we even shot with film - yes, negatives - if you recall, which sometimes produced...well...nothing. And then all one was left with were neurochromes...little nebulous memories that need to be nurtured in one’s mind because they exist nowhere else.
Now, what's next? I say shoot with either or, but never neither nor. Nice new stuff is always nipping at your heels. For today - at least until noon - no Nikon. Soon my new Nikon will be arriving neatly on my doorstep and I, living like a nabob, will be starting a whole new nefarious love affair with it!! Nanner nanner manner.
And that's my nickel's worth on N for Alphabe-Thursday. Nullify any notion to be a nay-sayer or turn up your nose; navigate your way over to nearby Mrs. Jenny's (by clicking HERE) and nibble on my nice Alphabetarian neighbors' notes on N.
Beautiful Beautiful pictures! What a talent!
Yes, I really like this great camera, great series of photos, very good. Greetings.
OMG! Your photos are gorgeous! I really need to get a new camera. I enjoyed your post for our letter this week.
I've always been a Cannon gal and I loved it when I upgraded to a DSLR.
An associate has a strap system much like a harness so your camera doesn't hang like a great weight around your neck. I really must search one out for myself.
Excellent photos, you're obviously a pro.
Wow, what a beautiful N post.A beautiful Nikon you have, i can only dream about it.LOL
Well you sure made up for not being sure with this naughty letter N...I know last night coming home I felt the same way..or dear or dear what to do! Don't forget to hug your Nikon tonight too!!!!
Great shots!
I'm a Nikon addict myself...
Heather uses her cell phone a lot too, now, just because she doesn't want to lug her gear everywhere.
Like you, she gets some amazing shots all the same!
Pictures were wonderful and your narative on the letter N was great. You certainly made me smile and I even giggled a few times!
All I can say is WOW -you have a way with words that make me see green with envy! Not to mention your Nikonic ability with your camera!
All those N's were making me feel very nasal, Anita! Nanananananana!
Your photos are truly wonderful and so creative. Damn, you're good!
I don't always write about politics and religion. I know my post SOUNDED political, but it was just another "N" word!!
Yes, I did enjoy your shots!
You know just which "N" words to use. And which ones NOT to.
Well now, we will be envied you with your new nifty Nikon! Beautiful photos!
nifty keen! What a nice post. Don't know how you nabbed all those Ns, but there was never a dull moment. Loved your nature shots, and the very near views. {:-Deb
How fun! I love my Nikon. :-)
Those are really great images!! I've yet to upgrade to a DSLR. Still saving $$ for it.. I'll go for Nikon too once there is enough cash for it.
Whew! That was nearly a tongue-twister!
hahah!!! I loved your intro N word (noodled)and then your ending note with Nanner, nanner, nanner!
Oh my goodness!!! I am echoing the same sentiments that have already been stated here...Gorgeous, amazing!!! I cannot decide which ones I love the most!...the horses and scenery with their reflections in the water...I love those are awesome...Oh, wait!!! the red barn with the mountain range...oh dear! have to say they are ALL super-duper!
Blessings & Aloha!
Thanks for taking a peek at my granddaugther's nursery in progress :o)
I got a bit lost with the 'n's but what beautiful photos. Maybe if I got a nikon my photos would look better:)
I would love to have a Nikon digital camera. I have an old FG-20. My DH has a older more professional model, but it escapes my mind it is. Did they make an FE series? This sounds familiar. Hmmm, oh! Well, whenever we have the money I would love to get a super duper nice Nikon. They make awesome cameras! And, your photos are so beautiful. I love your work!!!
Great pictures, love your shots of trees, ...and trees and horses, ...well, love them all! I have a little point and shoot Nikon that I have loved, but am now trying to learn the fine art of using the manual settings on my new Canon Rebel.
I was seeing stars after all those "Ns"! (LOL)
Your photos are great...some of them actually look like paintings.
Thanks for sharing & visiting.
No Anguish Or Pain
All of these photographs are abolutely amazing...
I can Not wait to see the images from your Nefarious love affair with you New Nikon...
But please try to keep them PG for me...
Nifty post for the letter "N"!
Thanks for linking.
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