laughable, even
ludicrous, for anyone to
label this
location as the "
lap of
luxury". I’m not
lamenting that fact.
Let’s just say I’m
laughing out
loud about being
lucky enough to be
living in a
locality that is so
luscious in
lots of other ways. I’m talking about
Liberty, UT, the place where I somehow
landed and where I now
lay my head down each night.
It’s a place where one can learn to love letting loose (even if lacking length in the legs)…
or lollygag lazily…
or live the life of a lazy lounge lizard, luxuriating in
the luminous lethargy of light on legs while lying in snow.
Yup, there oughta be a law against living the life in Liberty...but it's all perfectly legal!
Did I leave something out? Like, that it's Alphabe-Thursday and this week's letter is L? Maybe you can grab a liquid libation and then lumber on over to Mrs. Jenny's locale and take a look-see at the little linguistic lovelies the other Alphabetarians have left us.
Whew - that was a whole lot of L's!!
You live in a beautiful place - even if it IS snowy!
I love those pictures in the snow, living life in freedom is a right of every human being.
I think Leovi has the right idea. Liberty is well-named! And you are definitely livin' the good life, my friend.
what a wonderful trip! :)
That was de-Lightful! Your Scotties romping thru the snow made me laugh out loud :)
I'm going to try to alliterate alphabetically next time.
Great shots of those darling dogs.
Great way to get elled:) And what a fun romp with the scotties. You always have such fun...
Fabulous L post, the best I've seen so far this week!
Love your chaps playing in the snow and what an l of a lot of l's you found!
Great *L* post – and what a beautiful, if snowy, location!
Thanks for stopping by. Have a great weekend and look forward to *seeing* you again soon!
The two "Blackies" in the white snow are real cute ! Our white cat has the perfect camouflage in the snow, lol !
The horse too looks so friendly.
awesome! I live in a little town in Utah also so I can relate.
Isn't it great?
love it!!!
Wonderful post for our letter this week! Loved seeing your little friend running through the snow.
That's fun to see the dogs enjoying the snow. Just lovely photos!
This sure is the most lovely presentation of Lovin' Life .....and those darling dogs are gonna run right off my screen at any moment I just know it!
When we lived in Oklahoma we had a dog that wouldn't go out unless we cleared a spot for her to go. Your dogs seem to be enjoying the snow in Liberty.
These pics show a life of luxury!
Love seeing those little legs frolicking in the snow. Too cute! I'll drink to your Liberty with a libation right now by golly!
Your dogs are stinkin'sweet! Hey who's that making snow angels??~Ames
your little legs ones are adorable, esp. in the snow. Hope they don't get lost! {:-Deb
Liberty is such a pretty place! It looks like your two scotties love it! Happy "l's" all around!
you area so lucky to live in such a well named town!!! the dog photos are adorable, and the horses, just beautiful!!!
hahaha! LOVIN' your L post! All that energy exudes out of your photographs! I feel like I have to take a rest after looking. :o)
Blessings & Aloha!
Thank you my dear friend, so very much for your lovely visit and sweet comment...after being away from blogland, I was wondering if anyone would still stop by my place!)
What fantastic pictures! You're so talented, girl! You made me laugh a wee bit with this great "L" post!
Hello Anita.
WoW! You went all out with the Ls this week! LOL!
What a life in Liberty...definitely worth living and loving (smile).
Thanks for a luscious post. Your visit was most welcome too.
Thanks for sharing.
Love Has Seeped Into My Heart
Those poor little short legs in the snow! They could easily get buried in a drift, but they are obviously lovin' it! Is that your husband making a snow angel??
Your little dogs look like they totally enjoy the white stuff!
What a luscious list of L's. You are very loqacious this week!
And loveable.
And lovely.
I think you took all the L words in the world!
Lucky us to get to visit this post!
Thank you!
Your doggies remind me of the scotties my Uncle had. I only visited them in the Summer, so I never saw them romp in the snow that way, but otherwise they are so similar. Thanks for the memory!
Probably the fastest Scottie around!
In responce to your dive photo comment. In my experience divers with cameras are increadibly rude and forget thier training. I am unsual in that I could give a crap about taking pictures of fish, buy the book right. I like to capture the scene that unfolds as a group dives. How we move underwater is beautiful.
I will probably we getting the D5100 or D90 (the D700 and D800) are outside my budget.
BTW- I bought postcards of fish, lol
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