Alphabe-Thursday time again over at Mrs. Jenny's.
V is for vacant... like the chair at my desk...because we’re on vacation.

Have a great week, and be sure to get a vivid view of verses from the other Alphabetarians by clicking here.

Have a great week, and be sure to get a vivid view of verses from the other Alphabetarians by clicking here.
Hope you're having a great time, Anita!
I hope your vacation is wonderful too, and that you're taking thousands of photos to prove it too! :)
Dropping by from Alphbe-Thursday to say hi!
Great selection for today's letter!
Vacations rock!
I hope it's a wonderful vacation and one that you'll let us enjoy vicariously through your photos when that bench is no longer vacant.
visiting from Jenny Matlock Wish I was on vacation
Have a great vacation!
We're going on vacation in June--taking our boys and our grandchildren to the beach!!!
What a great V word! I am looking forward to our vacation a bit later this summer! Hope you had a marvelous week!
Awww...vacation! I'm glad you got to take one! I hope you really were sitting on a bench by the beach!
Thanks for a very jealousy inducing link this week!
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