Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Terry-fying Halloween

Tomorrow is the big day. Halloween. I've never liked dressing up for Halloween, even when I was a wee whippersnapper. But in the past few years we've had more fun with our sweet animals...and they are so obliging...

I'm almost certain that someone coming across this will find it offensive. Please don't- it's really not intended to be. Just take a deep breath and realize that with a last name like Terry and with two terrier boys, sometimes we just can't help ourselves. So hopefully you'll laugh along with us. We all could use a little more levity in our lives.

The Scottish terrierists and the time bomb with the Hare trigger hope you have a simply Terry-fying Halloween!

Oh, Mom, really? Do we have to do this AGAIN?! I'm so embarrassed.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Winter Comes Early

Since W is not used in the Spanish alphabet (except in words that are used in their English form, such as "web"), I'm taking a breather from my usual  photo tour of Chilean Patagonia for Alphabe-Thursday. Instead you get a quick glimpse of what we got yesterday...the first taste of WINTER!

Have a great week, and be sure to wing your way over to Mrs. Jenny's and see what the other Alphabetarians have waiting for you.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Just Like That...

This past week was in the 70s and sunny...

...the clouds moved in...

...and then, this morning...

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Visual Void...

It's Alphabe-Thursday time again. This week you might expect to venture vast distances in our study of the letter V. Normally I'd be taking you on a little virtual vacation to Patagonian Chile, but on Monday I hit the road, traveling west across the desert from Utah to California where I'm visiting my daughter and her family for a few days. It's not truly a vacation, but in the spirit of veracity, my visit is in preparation for my newest grandchild, due to arrive in a few weeks.  It's an exciting time, but as for this post, sorry; it's a visual void with respect to Patagonia. Just sit back and enjoy the desert scenery. I'll be back with more from Patagonia next week.

 Don't forget to visit Mrs. Jenny's to view the various entries of the other Alphabetarians.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Now and Then. An Autobiography in 109 Words or Less.

Then. California girl. Seemingly endless sunshine. Only the most seasoned native senses the fine distinction between seasons…and we all know that natives are dwindling in number. Flip-flops and strappy sandals with bare legs: de riguer.

Now. Utah girl. Living in the mountains. Summer one day, fall the next. And winter anxiously nipping at autumn’s booted heels. No need for stilettos here. No place for delicate heels. 

I step outside. Dancing in the pile of red and pink and amber leaves. Or more correctly, standing amidst the leaves that delicately swirl around my feet. The leaves crunched under my boots until they didn't. 

Thank you, Mrs. Jenny, for another Saturday Centus prompt (in red above). What would we do without our little weekend workout each Saturday morning? Be sure to stop by Mrs. Jenny's and see what the other Centusians are leaving for us...pun intended.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Unusual Utopia

Umm umm umm... we're on week 21 of the current round of Alphabe-Thursday, meaning we're on the very useful letter U. We (that would be you and I) have spent the past 20 weeks checking out the beauties of Chilean Patagonia, minus a one week detour to Utah (maybe I should have waited until this week for that little diversion). Our little tour has covered much of the wonderful landscape in the fall, since that's when we were there. Fully embroiled in the N. American autumn now, I thought it would be fun to switch seasons and show you the unbelievable colors of spring (from an earlier trip) in the unusual utopia that is found in the far southern reaches of Chilean Patagonia.

So, once again, sit back and enjoy the view.

Ubiquitous Chochos...one of the signature flowers of the region...known to the rest of the world as lupine. In spring, the fields and meadows burst with color...everything from palest white to deep indigo blue.

Nalca plant...this prehistoric-looking wild rhubarb grows everywhere and people can be seen picking it on the road sides. The leaves are enormous, sometimes spanning more than 9 ft/3 meters across. 

Be sure to stop by and visit the other Alphabetarians over at Mrs. Jenny's by clicking HERE.