Thursday, July 19, 2012

Me Imagino.

In Spanish, it means I imagine. I can honestly say that it's actually hard to imagine what Chilean Patagonia really looks like unless/until you've been there and seen it for yourself. There are no photographs, no videos, no words to describe it accurately...except maybe these...

Inolvidable (unforgettable). Increible (incredible). 

It's Alphabe-Thursday, and this week we're investigating the letter I. As promised, the photographic journey through Chilean Patagonia continues. It's very random, once again, but I hope you enjoy.

Don't forget to visit the other Alphabetarians over at Mrs. Jenny's and see what interesting ideas they have this week. Click HERE to go there.


Jenny said...

Great landscapes with such unusual effects. It looks barren. xo Jenny

Lola said...

Hi again!

Such an interesting *I* post – great pics. Truly increible!

Have a good weekend,

Visiting from Alphabe-Thursday

debra said...

I enjoyed all of the tour but I love those landscape pictures!

Tatiana said...

those trees are so barren... spooky!

Jim said...

Hi Anita ~~ Yo tambiƩn imagino!!

Nice way to get in an "I" word using those wonderful Chile pictures. Makes me want to go for their spring. It was winter then when you took these of the baren trees, right?

BTW, I enjoyed seeing your motorcycle in the earlier post. I did search your blog for 'motorcycle' to try to find what make it is. It is very pretty and a big bike but I am not that up on them. With my new knee I would have a lighter bike now so I could hold it up at the light while carrying a passenger.

I am glad you guys use helmets. I always did, even way back in the 60's with my little Vespa.

Anonymous said...

Salt Lake City is now on our schedule!!! For a week in possibly, the second week in August.

Naperville Now said...

stunning, as always. you have an impeccable eye, my friend.

Susan Anderson said...

What interesting scenery.

And I agree with Naperville Now that you have a great eye.


Judie said...

Anita, my head is spinning! Which to choose! Oh, I'm so excited!


The Poet said...

My dear Anita,
Your pictures are a reflection of your heart and soul. They are simply beautiful!! Thanks for sharing my friend.

Rachel said...

These are beautiful! I love the cemetery pictures.

Ingrid said...

Beautiful, I prefer the nature pictures !

Leovi said...

Nice pictures. I love all, especially the beautiful reflections in the water in this magical forest. Beautiful. Greetings.

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

Beautiful photos from your trip!

Pondside said...

So beautiful - it makes me wish I could travel right back. I loved the cemetery images, and remember that we spent the better part of an afternoon looking at the tombs in Punta Arenas.

Ames said...

Anita these pictures you have taken are just amazing. Was this a destination you toured with a guide? Or did you just explore on your own? ~Ames

storybeader said...

the photographs are out of this world! The swamp and trees don't look real, and the sheep are so cute. What a great panorama! Thanks for sharing the views! {:-D

NanE said...

Beautiful photos and a great "I" post! I also have to say your house is gorgeous and your scottie so sweet! Have a great Sunday! Nan

KDL said...

Great photos! They let me imagine at least a bit what it is like. Love all of the cross imagery and I guess one would describe these landscapes as a fen?Impressive! Thanks for stopping by The Simple Life

Catherine said...

What beautiful photos! than you for sharing them.

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

Beautiful photographs! I love the shapes and forms of the trees and other images such as all the crosses on the tombstones.

Blessings & Aloha!
Thank you dear friend for stopping over and for your kind comments.

Jenny said...

You are such a master of photographic composition!

I am always mesmerized by the view you capture.

What a skill!

Lovely, lovely, lovely!

Thank you for the link and continuing our interesting journey.
