Please. Allow me to explain. E is everywhere, and I’m not exaggerating! It is the most extensively
used letter in the English language as well as several other languages.
There’s just no escaping E...or so I discovered when I took the
dictionary with me to bed in my eagerness to get some excellent ideas for this week’s
Alphabe-Thursday entry. My bad. Error. I dreamt all night about various combinations
of letters and words involving E…EEEEK.
One might even say I was a bit excessive in my exploration,
my elusive quest for enlightenment, edification and elucidation. I started out all enthusiastic,
ecstatic and energized and eventually ended up totally enervated. In my encyclopedic escapade, I envisioned myself emerging ever more erudite as I explored the exotic to the esoteric and even the enigmatic, while carefully evading the erotic. I went from excitement to ennui.
Eerily, I lay dreaming about how to eradicate the element E from the environment but that was not exactly efficacious. My head was on the
edge of exploding, my sanity eroding, with each extra word that entered my exhausted mind.
In my estimation, E is eternal and ergo, not easily expunged or erased… even the word etcetera has entirely too many Es. Not much chance of the enduring E ever being exiled from earth, except perhaps if we are either evicted or enslaved by extraterrestrials.
In my estimation, E is eternal and ergo, not easily expunged or erased… even the word etcetera has entirely too many Es. Not much chance of the enduring E ever being exiled from earth, except perhaps if we are either evicted or enslaved by extraterrestrials.
Let me emphasize that this examination with my own eyes has
not led to enmity, but rather, I have extrapolated that E, while excessively
employed, is here to be everlastingly enjoyed.

Effectively, The End.
Feeling empty-handed? You can enable an encounter that is especially your own with more esteemed individuals than empty-headed me, who have something exciting and eloquent to say about the extraordinary E over at Jenny Matlock's by simply exercising your finger and clicking exactly here.
I especially enjoyed espying all the e's in this expressive post. Extremely entertaining!
WOW! I took up the dictionary as well, but only came away from it overwhelmed. Creative and well-executed post! And (looking ahead to next week) Fantastic!
Really wonderful pictures, I love the composition you created with the eggs.
Hahahahaha! Eggcellent post!!!
Hi again!
Superb post – love all the images!
Many thanks for stopping by.
Have a great week & look forward to *seeing* you again soon.
And very humorous.
Wow! I have run out of possible "E"'s to tell you how clever this was!!! You have gathered them in a very fun basket for our reading enjoyment...oops - there is an E!
Well done!
Endearingly entertaining! And to think I had trouble Executing an E post! Eck!
Hi Anita,
This is Extremely amazing how your used E's!!! I love it!!! So nice to meet you!
How awesome are you??? LOL, I love this, it's a smorgasbord of E's that I can partake of time & time again & never be full:-)
What an enjoyable post! You elucidated the letter "E" is so many exciting and elegant ways.
Loved loved loved it. The most extremely "E" filled "E" post yet!Thanks for stopping by Aprons and Old Lace!
I'm a big fan of exquisitely extravagant edibles! =>
Cute E post!~Ames
Love your take on the letter E. Really expressive!!
WoW! Who knew eggs & eyes could be so inspiring! This was funny beyond words, even though my head hurts with all those e's.
Thanks for sharing & visiting. I appreciate the comment.
For ref:
Eleven Roses And You
wonderful exploration and feature of the letter E. Thoroughly enjoyable! {:-D
Wow...Now that was impressive!
It became obsession, the E's! I like the pic of "the end" - such whimsical figures:)
EEEEK is right! All those Es! It's a wonder you escaped with your sanity engaged!
You're "e" crazeee!
Lol ! very funny post !
Best 'E' post ever in the history of the letter.
What an expressively excessive use of the letter 'E' in all it's glory.
Love, love, loved this!
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