Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Flummoxed by F?

'Fraid NOT! Oh yea. Another Alphabe-Thursday, and this week it's the fascinating F. I know you probably think I get a little fixated on this alphabet thing, but fact is, I refuse to get into a funk. Not to be flippant or anything, but if you just follow along, you'll see what a fabulous day we had here at the funny farm.



Fervent friends
Fastidious face-washing?

Fascinated by frozen flakes

Frosty face
Frito-feet (ever smelled your dog's feet? Yup, I bet you'll find they have the familiar odor of an old bag of Fritos!)

Furtive glances

 Furry face, furry feet

Furry fellas with their favorite father figure 

Fans of having their "fotos" taken? No.

Fat flop-eared fuzzy wabbit

Flavor for foodies

Frivolity with some other four-footed floppy-eared friends

 Falling down

Feisty and famously funny family (aka Granny, my mom-in-law)

FIN, FINIS, FINUTO, FINISHED or, in other words, The End.

If you need a bigger fix of Alphabe-Thursday, use your fingers and click HERE to hop on over to Mrs. Jenny's place so you can see how her other fanatical followers fared


H said...

Funny fotos :)

Maggie said...

Fabulously Funny!
Great post.

Wanda said...

It does look like you had a "f" day. You made me smile!

Leovi said...

Beautiful photos, wonderful snowy place. Delightful series of portraits. Greetings.

Steph said...

Your fotos are so fantastic... It's really hard to pick a favorite. But the Frost is beautiful and the Festive Scotties... Wow! Wonderful, fun portraits and images all.

jen said...

The French at the end took me a little off guard! Surprise!

Anonymous said...

Again, that bunny is so stinking cute!!!!


The Poet said...

WoW! Frivolous, funny & fantastic post! Awesome photos or should I say
Thanks for sharing & visiting. I appreciate the lovely comment too.

For ref:
Firebrand Of The Heart

Anonymous said...

Fun! Fun! Fun! This post was such a joy to read!

Vern said...

Are those the cookies I think they are?

21 Wits said...

Oh my I'm not sure who is actually having more fun here! Your fab fantastic family, or the even the finest fave family-pets, or me! ..and all the others to flip through all these fine f-photos and funnel through each fab comment you posted for each....oh and I have been known to understand doggie talk and I'm thinking they would rather have a less flippy hat?!!!! Thanks for sharing this fun, FUN F post!

My name is Riet said...

Fabulous, fantastic funny F post. I love love love it.
Great job.

Susan Anderson said...

The perfect F post!


To the Toy Box and Beyond said...

funny pictures Great post

Francisca said...

Funny and Fabulous to the Fin!!!

Cathy Kennedy said...

I loved how you put bows on your pets! That's so cute. This was a fun post, too. Thanks for sharing.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

This was the most fun F post for sure! Loving your blog. First time visitor! hugs, Linda

Tina´s PicStory said...

so many F´s :) nice shots!

Stacia said...

Love your furry friends (and feisty family). Fantastic! =>

Judie said...

Once again, you entertain us with your FABULOUS FOTOGRAPHY! Wonderful shots of Granny!!

Diane said...

Oh my word at the cuteness is this fabulous f post!

And I actually like the smell of my dog's paws. I know. I'm weird!

Pam said...

Wow, this whole alphabet thing you and your fascinating friends do really gets my brain fatigued. I enjoy sneaking a peek at all the fabulous posts. Thanks for giving Granny had another fantastic day with her favorite people and we all enjoyed the photo fun with our furry family. We missed visiting with our all our furry friends from your house. Thanks for all the fun!

Ingrid said...

Lol, love the furry fellows !

Naperville Now said...

fabulous. such great shots.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic photos, and so fun to see!

Kathy Felsted Usher said...

I starting thinking how cute the dogs were and then I got to the photo of the bunny- it killed me! So funny and adorable! I want to hug it. Fantastic!

Barbara F. said...

Fabulous F post, I found it full of charm from the first photo to the funny last few. xo (P.S. Thanks for your take on the meaning of 7 fishes! I learned something new!)

Splendid Little Stars said...

a fabulously fantastic frolic with the letter F!

Unknown said...

Fabulously fun photos!!! I love them and I agree about the frito feet for dogs!

Pondside said...

You just had way too much fun with those headpieces!

Jenny said...

Very impressive...

Fantastic link to the letter "F"!!!

Fond wishes For a Fabulous 2012!
