Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Bohemios en Barrio Bellavista

It’s time for Alphabe-Thursday again, and this round I promised to work through my Patagonia photos from A-Z. While definitely not a part of Patagonia, no trip to Chile or that far south would be complete without a stop in Santiago on the way. It helps to break up the long journey, plus it’s a great city with lots to see and do.

So, for the letter B, I’ll be babbling on about...

Bohemians in Barrio Bellavista

One of our favorite neighborhoods (or barrios) in Santiago is the bohemian quarter known as Bellavista. It is home to artists, poets and other free-thinking individuals. It is the location of La Chascona, one of the homes of Pablo Neruda, Chile’s poet laureate who received the Nobel Peace Prize for literature in 1971.

To wander the streets in Bellavista is a visual feast…there are old mansions that might look to be crumbling, but you can bet they’re still pretty tasty inside. Many of the buildings are covered with colorful murals, some with political or social messages, others just plain dressed in funky art. I love the area and can never take enough photos of the painted walls. And, as always, the people are delightful.

Bravo for Bellavista and its bold inhabitants!

Now bustle on over to Mrs. Jenny's and see what the other Alphabetarians have brought to the Alphabe-Thursday brunch! 


Judie said...

Anita, I am absolutely fascinated by your photos of Chile. Thank you soooo much for sharing them with us. And thanks, too, for your comment on my "rant!"

Naperville Now said...

The wall art is absolutely fantastic. A feast. Thanks for your great photography -- and thanks for your kind words.

Cathy said...

Those are lovely works of art. I stared at the lady sitting on the restaurant table for a bit and I still can't decide if she's real or not.

jfb57 said...

I'm blaming you for not getting anything done this morning because I've been looking at these fabulous pictures. What colour and talent!

My name is Riet said...

That is a lot of beautiful art.

Erika said...

What a colorful city! I do like the first photos of the gate--I can imagine the wonderful world beyond such a gate.

Jenny said...

What a colorful slice of life! xo Jenny S.

Leovi said...

Beautiful photos of a wonderful place. No doubt you've managed to capture and display area with all your soul and beauty. I loved this series.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Such an interesting array of photogrpahs. Some of the murals were absolutely amazing!

Dana @ Bungalow'56 said...

Wow! That's all I can really say. The b/w face blew me away. I was telling The Agronomist about your last post with the Chilean men. He hasn't had a chance to read it yet but he will. So interesting. Thanks for sharing your travels with us.

Ingrid said...

Very interesting post ! Some of the graffitis are very artistic and creative !

Susan Anderson said...

A total feast for the eyes.
Thanks, Anita!


Sue McPeak said...

Wow...a fantastic collection of photos from a very interesting place. Thanks for sharing...a wonderful tour!

Susan Anderson said...

Can't believe you sent flowers for my birthday, Anita. And so glad you did!!


PS. They are GORGEOUS!!!
PPS. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Anonymous said...

Those are so fun and beautiful -- like getting a little trip to a new culture and place without all the hassle of having to travel... Thanks.

Jo said...

what an amazing feast for the eyes! amazing ... i will be back to see them again very very soon ... the street art is just so fab!!!

Annesphamily said...

This art is bold and beautiful! I am happy you shared Chile with us! My daughters friend who studied Spanish in college was an exchange student there. She loved the people and helped build homes. The country is very beautiful I hear! Thanks for the share.

Ames said...

Oh wow Anita! I live on Bella Vista but you won't see views like this here. This is just awesome! I am so glad you shared this with us. I look forward to more of your photographs. I wonder what that woman is thinking?~Ames

The Poet said...

My dear Anita,
So much talent in these photos. It is very nice to see another part of the world through your blog. Thanks for sharing my friend.

VBR said...

Oh my goodness! What gorgeous photos. Just when I think one is my favorite, I scroll down and find my new fave! What a talent you have! Thank you for sharing with us.

Sandy said...

How wonderful to be able to walk
through that city, you took really
good photos... especially the gate
Nice is not the proper word!

lissa said...

lots of great artwork there! they're all so wonderful & colorful.

hope you are having a great day.

Anonymous said...

I love all the bold colors they used to paint with.

Jackie McGuinness said...

These are such incredible photos!!
I loved the woman at the table and all the graffiti shots, I personally like graffiti unlike a lot of people.

Thanks so much for dropping by and visiting me.

Jim said...

Thank you for my wonderful visit to Bellavista. That graffiti art is wonderful, well, most of it.

I have to a lot of places but haven't been to Chile. In fact not even south of the Equator.

Thank you too for you visit yesterday to my "B" word, 'backyards.' I am sorry to be late in returning your comment.

Splendid Little Stars said...

This must have been simply amazing to see in person! I would love it!
Lucky for me that I can at least view it through your eyes. I'm looking forward to seeing all your wonderful photos!

Cheryl D. said...

What awesome photos! It looks like a really neat city!

Esther Joy said...

We have a Bella Vista in Arkansas, but I've never seen any artwork like this there!

Lola said...

Hi again!

Visiting from Mrs Matlock’s, many thanks for stopping by.

Such an interesting post – great captures!

Have a lovely weekend!

KDL said...

I wish the graffiti where we live were so pretty. :-)

Jenny said...

What a bounty of beautiful (and fascinating!) pictures!

Keep 'em coming!

I'm loving this little spectator trip we're on!


PS. Love KDL's comment. I agree!