Thursday, May 17, 2012

Z is for Zowie!!

It's Alphabe-Thursday and I can hardly believe that we are at the letter Z, otherwise known as zeta or zed. Seems like the time just zoomed by. I, like so many others, have been zealous in my quest to be creative with Alphabe-Thursday. I’ve had a zillion ideas of things to do for each letter, but now, sitting in the end zone, I feel zonked…like a zombie. My life, lately, is like a zoo, and I have no zest for the quest. I’ve lost my zip, my zing. I don’t even have the energy to play my beloved Zynga games (like Words with Friends and Scramble with Friends).

But, I did promise that I would share some more images from Patagonia, and so, here you go…a random sampling from that far southern zone.

This is the oddest-looking horse. Do you think he might be part zebra!?

OK, my Alphabetarian friends and other faithful followers. Round 4 of Mrs. Jenny’s Alphabe-Thursday comes to an end today. Hope you had as much fun as I did. I hear that Round 5 begins next week…all over again…without a break. Be sure to check out what zippy things the others have posted this week by clicking HERE.

And that’s all I have to say. Zipping it up. Not one more word. Zero. Zilch. J


Splendid Little Stars said...

Your Patagonia photos are so lovey and inspiring! That IS a weird looking horse!
Hope you get your zip and zest back soon!

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

Zikes, that's a strange looking horse...

Great shots, lovely processing...

21 Wits said...

I can't get over those photos! How did you ever get my boat! Kidding, but it's very cool looking! Great zany zapping zweet! Z Post!

The Poet said...

My dear Anita,
Beautiful pictures from a beautiful Lady Flower (smile). Yes, the horse is kind of strange. I am sure he can still run faster than me (lol). Thanks for sharing my sweet friend.

Naperville Now said...

spectacular shots. (I still need to wiki Patagonia!)

Annesphamily said...

Your shots are gorgeous! I really like the z ness you shared with us today! Happy weekend!

Unknown said...

Wow -incredible landscapes! Hope to get there some time!

Unknown said...

PS. Welcome back to good ole USA!

Judie said...

Yea! More Patagonia!! What a fabulous place, Anita!! Keep those photos coming!!!!

Leovi said...

One thing is sure that this collection of photos is spectacular and very high quality. Wonderful photos!

Ingrid said...

Beautiful "zen" pictures !

Cathy Kennedy said...

Your clever wording as always so catchy and appealing, and better still are the fabulously, beautiful pictures you present as eye candy of far away places which many of us will never, ever see first hand. Thanks for sharing with us again. =D

To the Toy Box and Beyond said...

very nice photos. I'm not sure if I will be doing to next round of alphabe thursday. I have lost my zeal for it

Cathy said...

I don't think I've seen tree-leaves with such spectacular colors. These beautiful pictures are also the most exotic ones I've seen and that includes India and China!

Susan Anderson said...

Zowie is right! Many times over!!


Jo said...

you shots of Patagonia have been amazing ... i am travelling there through your lens and i am loving the trip!

EG CameraGirl said...

You did yourself proud with these beautiful photos and those zillion of zed-words. Yes, we say zed here in Canada. ;)

Lola said...

Hi again!

Visiting from Mrs Matlock’s, many thanks for stopping by.

Great post – lovely pics.

Have a great weekend too!

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

Zillion things to see! Your Z post is fantastic with beautiful photos!

Erika said...

Gorgeous photos. But I have to say that I thought your opening paragraph was about me because that is how I feel.

Vicki/Jake said...

Zowie, I'm late getting here but sure glad I didn't miss all the great pictures! And that horse? Hmmmm.... Kinda Zingy:)

Jenny said...

I would think that anyone would have lost their zing after an amazing trip like that. You saw so much and did so much and hung with family...


of course, you're feeling a bit not like you.

Just be kind and gentle to yourself...

You'll be back to you in no time!

Anita, thanks so much for participating in this round of A-T! I have truly loved visiting you each week!

Hugs and A+