Wednesday, August 29, 2012


It's time for Alphabe-Thursday again, and this week we're observing the oft ogled letter O.

O is for otoño.

The fall colors are just beginning to make their appearance here in the mountains of Utah. In the southern hemisphere, though, the seasons are reversed. Autumn, or otoño in Spanish, is from March to June. And that's when we made our last journey to Chilean Patagonia.

Off you go now. Head on over to Mrs. Jenny's and see what the other Alphabetarians are offering for O.


w said...

gorgeous! love your water pictures. and all the otono colors!

Leovi said...

Nice pictures. Excellent images of autumn, as always your photos are high quality and beauty. Greetings.

carol l mckenna said...

Lovely photos ~ like the small rock and window shots ~ (A Creative Harbor)

Lovely to have you 'visit' ~ ^_^

hjdbedfb said...

I love these photographs :) Amazing :D
Amy x

My name is Riet said...

Wow, those colors are stunning. You live in a beautiful country. Great O word

paige said...


ellen b said...

Lovely images of fall (Otono)! I feel it in the air already here in the Northwest.

Anonymous said...

The views are beautiful! I would love to visit such a lovely place.

Naperville Now said...

fabulous. as always. (is there a marketing plan for these images? there should be!)

The Poet said...

My dear Anita,
I always enjoy your photos. The ones with the beauty of nature just filled my eyes with joy wishing I was there to sit and write love poetry (smile). Thank you for taking me there through your enchanting pictures.

Monica said...

We were just talking with our kids the other night about how the seasons are different in other parts of the world.
I LOVE your photos!

SarahBeth said...

Oh my -- gorgeous shots! I love the water flowing over the rocks!
Thanks for your visit today!

Susan Anderson said...

Oh, that one with the brown limbs and orange leaves against a turquoise sky!

And the rock one...

and ALL Of them!!


ImagesByCW | OceanDreamIllustration said...

The autumn colors you are showing us are very serene and beautiful. It is one of the things I love about autumn, that magnitude of colors. However, I do prefer summer ;)
My contribution today for Alphabe - Thursday: Oakridge NJ @ ImagesByCW

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

We are seeing the Maples change daily. I'm not quite ready for winter, even though it has been a hot summer.

lovely pics!

Lola said...

Hi again!

Great post – I always love to visit!

Hope you’re having a great week and look forward to seeing you again next time!

Visiting from Alphabe-Thursday

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

I'm not ready for fall, but your photos show how beautiful the colors of fall, so now..I will embrace it when it comes..

21 Wits said...

Oh so lovely, oh so pretty! Oh and I've wondered if other people catch as many cool photos as you did on your journey there?! I think not! You take the simple, ordinary perhaps overlooked thing or spot and enhance it's beauty very well!

Lmkazmierczak said...

Wonderful photos..Autumn will soon be upon us here♫

Ingrid said...

Beautiful pictures ! Autumn hasn't started yet in Belgium, fortunately, because I hate this season !

storybeader said...

such gorgeous photos! That always twists my thinking up, with the change of the seasons. I try not to forget that I write to an universal audience! {:-D

Liz said...

Autumn is one of the best seasons, so colourful! I love the picture of the little cottage and the two yellow trees each side. It looks like a rabbit with long ears!

Sandy said...

Oh to be in an area where Fall comes.. I live in SoFla and it's summer all year..
Lovely photos, it's about all I can get this year and you put a smile on my face.
Have a great weekend.

Jenny said...

I just love your photos. You take such care with each one. Beautiful as always. xo Jenny

The Poet said...

Happy Saturday Anita!
Every first Saturday in the month, I hold Blog Hop Saturday! You're welcome to linkup. Linky will stay open from 9:00am today - 11:59pm Sunday 2nd. You may enter any 2 links. Hope you can make it!

Ames said...

Oh I do so appreciate your sharing these wnderful photographs. They are breath taking.

Cheryl D. said...

Really gorgeous! Visiting Patagonia is on my bucket list!

Jim said...

Otoño is a new word to me, Anita. I must learn how to pronounce it. I will ask my Hispanic friend.

Sorry I'm so late. I may not get caught up all the way, ever.

Jenny said...

I'm still chuckling over the 'oft ogled'!

You are so darned witty, girl!

I love feeling otono even if it's only in oustanding pictures!

Thanks for linking.
