Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Yesterday was my wedding day. Not two minutes into the drive to the ceremony, we slid into the snow bank coming down our steep icy driveway. Crazy as it may seem, we backed out, had a good laugh and hit the road.

The road was foggy. It made me think about how we really were launching into the unknown in what we were getting ready to do.  We've known each other for 18 months and we've spent a lot of time together, even building a house together. Nonetheless, I think that getting married takes a huge leap of faith.

The ceremony was brief but filled with meaning. Afterward we stopped for lunch at a restaurant that had been around since 1914. It was quaint and had an air of permanency, something we want in our marriage. I snapped a quick photo with my cell phone. Only later when I looked at it more closely did I see that even spirits seem to linger there.

After lunch we drove home to settle in. In the exact same spot that we slid into the snowbank earlier in the day, the car slipped on the last sharp incline and slid right back into it, this time tail end first. As we did before, we laughed and carried on.

I'm sure that our marriage will have its snowbank encounters. As long as we can laugh and carry on, I know we'll find that permanency.

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