Thursday, June 9, 2011

Green on Green

We had hail, wind, sun, cool temps, warmer temps, overcast, rain and a mix of other weather today. I decided to use the time (when it was not sunny and warm like I wanted it to be) to familiarize myself a little with my new Mac and its software.

Change, even welcome change, can be hard. It's not so much that I loved my PC; it's just that I knew how to get things done, even when it wasn't working very well, which was most of the time lately.

When it comes to the Mac, I admit I'm a greenie. I've been using Photoshop with Adobe Bridge for years. For you non-photographers, Bridge is software that is used to organize and process digital photos, making it possible to adjust contrast, color tones, and other basic characteristics, along with some other features. Many Mac users prefer a program called Aperture to do the same things. Sounds simple enough, but the features and how they are implemented are different...and it took me way longer to do what I can usually do without much thought. At first I hated it, but soon I saw that there were some features in Aperture that Bridge didn't have and I began to see the possibilities...

Anyway, these are the first images I processed using Aperture...

If you're wondering why everything looks so green, it's because it actually is. There's a lot of snow melting and the ground is saturated. The streams in the woods are finding their own courses downhill.

And, even though this last image has little to do with anything, I shot it today... there's no point in washing the windows....they just get more nose prints on them anyway.

1 comment:

Susan Anderson said...

Looks like you're definitely getting the hang of it!
