Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Anyone Hungry?

Oh's time for another Alphabe-Thursday over at Mrs. Jenny's. She's been a little under the weather so I thought I'd cook up something special just for her this week...some good hot soup. Why? Cuz I'm just that way...AND cuz we're onto the letter G this week...


Eat GOOD food and GET well!

And, GET yourself over to Mrs. Jenny's to see what GOOD things the other Alphabetians GOT GOING on!


Nikki Nichols said...

Can you come make dinnner for me some time this week? !! :)

Dominique@Dominique's Desk said...

Aww.. it's making me hungry just looking at your food pictures. Btw how do you cook that asparagus? I only know how to grill with bacon.

VK said...

Beautiful food pictures. I think one reason I'm not a great photographer is that i'm always in a hurry to finish or start the next thing. These pictures make me want to slow down and enjoy each thing a little more.

H said...

You've got some great ingredients in your soup!

jfb57 said...

These are 'hunger inducing' photos indeed!

Leovi said...

I love, especially the pictures of the onion.

Vicki/Jake said...

You do know that showing pictures like this makes people gain weight, right? Hey, gotta blame something...

Love your photo skills anyway:)

Lola said...

I wasn't hungry until I saw your pics!

A very Happy New Year to you and yours!

Great post – see you again soon!

Judie said...

Great food photos! You have made me hungry for dinner, and it's only 8 a.m.!!

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

That is hands down my favorite G word!!!!

Susan Anderson said...

If I wasn't hungry before, I certainly am now!


jenn said...

visiting from jenny's!

Anonymous said...

I am so hungry now!

Unknown said...

Now I saw your post, I thought, I need some veggies today!

ellen b. said...

Anita, Your photos are fabulous. I'm so glad I'm full or I'd be drooling all over my keyboard...

Pat said...

Vegetable are so beautiful - your photos illustrate that! The red onion is art.

Oh - and what time do you want us over?

Unknown said...

Pics like this make me hungry. The pics are simple uncomplicated uncluttered and beautiful.

Steph said...

My mouth is watering over your photos. I love good soup and bread, especially when I don't have to make it. Great images and post!

Pondside said...

Mmmm - I could make something with all of that!

21 Wits said...

Oh wow, those photos just rock! Okay yeah sure the food looks yummy, and I just adore the smell of onions...really I do....if they don't burn my eyes...but seriously you should create a cookbook and feature great photos like those!

Ingrid said...

Now I am getting hungry ! beautiful pictures !

Cathy Kennedy said...

Mmm, love the pictures which made up your 'G' post. Now, I want a bowl of hot soup with some fresh bread and lovely salad on the side. Thanks for the visit!

Neabear said...

Good food indeed! The pictures make me hungry...but then I am sitting here and browsing before breakfast. Better get my grapefruit!

Thanks for coming by!


Brenda said...

The food looks wonderful. I made a bean soup for hubs and myself with the leftover Christmas brunch ham and it was delish. Even the oldest grandson liked it when he visited on his school break. The Bug say's hi to the pups!

Anonymous said...

Fabulous food (f)photos. Left my mouth watering!

BTW thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment.

Splendid Little Stars said...

YUM! great food, sick or not!

Wanda said...

Great photos. The food looks both yummy and healthy--the very best combination at the beginning of a new year.

Francisca said...

YUM! I'm a confirmed foodie...

Esther Joy said...

That good food looks like enough to make anyone feel better!

The Poet said...

I love homemade soup & all these food photos are making me feel hungry. Doing some virtual tasting right now...yum!
Thanks for sharing & visiting. Your comment is appreciated.

Golden Footprints

Jenny said...

Gadzooks! It is making me hungry looking at all your lovely pictures!

I'm coming over!

I hope you don't mind!

Thanks for a deliciously great link for the letter G.
