Wednesday, January 18, 2012

What’s a Nice Girl Like You…?

It’s Alphabe-Thursday time again over at Mrs. Jenny’s. This week we’ll be studying the incomparable letter I. Seems perfectly innocent, no? Maybe it is and maybe it isn’t; who's to say?

My subject this week: the Incongruity of Ink.

So, what’s a 50-something devout Mormon grandmother doing in a tattoo shop? Taking photos and talking to the friendly folks there…that’s what! I decided that getting outside my own skin and exploring a subject I normally wouldn’t cover would be good for me.

Meet Josh…tattoo artist…and very friendly and outgoing young man. I don’t know much about him. I’m sure that his life style and mine are pretty different. But what I do know is that when I called and told him what I was doing and asked if I could come photograph him at work, he very cheerily said “definitely. Yes. Come whenever you like.” 

I think the tattoo on his neck pretty much says it all.

Too often we judge people by what they look like, the work they do, where they live, what they wear, the tattoos, piercings, hair and other adornments they choose, etc. I’m as guilty as anyone.

I’m not suggesting that anyone go out and get tatted up…I personally think it’s a mistake. The reality is that people ARE judged by appearances, and getting a tattoo could be a life altering decision.  While it might seem like fun at the time, it’s a hard thing to undo if somewhere down the road one changes one’s mind…really hard. Nonetheless, it's still about individual choice.

All that said, tattoos are art…some good, some not so. I respect the talents of those who truly are artists. And I respect the right of those who wish their bodies to be the canvas to do so.

As for me, though, I’m happy to stick with simply photographing it. I think it would be incongruous (and perhaps inconceivable and inappropriate) for me to have a family portrait with the hubby, kids, grandkids, dogs and the rabbit inked on my chest, back, arm or any other body part, don’t you?

Check out what interesting, informative, imaginative, innovative and individualistic things the other Alphabetarians have to say about the letter I by clicking HERE.


Susan Anderson said...

What an interesting set of photos, Anita. And I bet they thought you were the coolest lady ever!


Beth said...

Wow, How different than your life style is this! Great post.

Pondside said...

Yikes, just the thought of watching gives me the shivers!
I work with a population that is often heavily tattooed, and I have come to dislike them. I know that some are very intricate and artistic, but many are crude and offensive. It's hard not to be judgmental. As Une Femme d'un certain age, I feel sorry for the young women who have tattooed parts of their bodies that will inevitably succumb to gravity.

jfb57 said...

Fascinating! I wouldn't have one myself but do applaud those who provide us with such wonderful pictures!

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed going on your field trip with you! I don't think I will ever get one but, I enjoyed visiting the shop with you.

Short and Sweet said...

Great point! I guess getting a tattoo is a little more involved than I thought it was!

Ingrid said...

You know tatoos are acceptable when you are young and your skin is fresh and wrinkle free. But now imagine those guys when they are 60 or 70 and they have written on a small chest with a big belly "I love mom" or an eagle or a half naked woman ! That looks awful ! I have seen so many tatooed people men and women that age (because it was very fashionable in the 60th/70th) at the beach, it looks just vulgar and awful !
I think they never could get a job as a bank employee, or go into politics, imagine you have a president covered from top to bottom with tatoos, lol !
What a delightful view !

Lola said...

I enjoyed the *virtual* tour too - TFS!

Many thanks too for stopping by - agree with all your icons!

My name is Riet said...

It seems to be real fashion here in Holland too. Tattoes. I don't like them at all. Your pictures are great tho. Gives us a good idea how it works.

Leovi said...

Nice tattoos, a true work of art. Greetings.

Judie said...

Anita, my sweet daughter-in-law got a tattoo of two geckos chasing around her navel when she was in her early twenties. Then she had twins. Now those geckos look like two ancient 'gators! She is sooooo sorry she ever got a tattoo!!

Your photos are really good!!!

ellen b. said...

Good for you for getting "out there" and meeting the people behind the tats. I, too, will keep my familiarity with tatoos to the photo kind. I'm just not that fond of pain.
When the sags set in I don't know if these tatoos will be considered art anymore LOL!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I don't have tattos but know many who do and I appreciate the art and the expression it gives to them. Great post on I! Thanks for visitng me also. Linda at Viewing My World

Christine Thomas said...

Best place for Tattoos is on your back, they don't sag with childbirth! I sooo want you to get a tattoo, just to enjoy the meditative experience of the pain. I'm impressed with your adventurousnessness of getting out of your comfort zone and going out to experience something totally outside your realm of experience. I really like the black & white shots you took.

Jeannette StG said...

A little tattoo is fine with me, but the bigger ones look so distracting to me.
They're very often very sensitive, have low self esteem, and individualistic, with the emphasis on OFTEN!

Birgit said...

Hi Anita,

Wow -- what interesting photos and what a great topic at that! No tattoos for me though -- I better stay away from needles...

Did you just phone that tattoo place out of the blue? Gosh, you are one brave lady!

To the Toy Box and Beyond said...

As you know I have 10 tattoos. Most of them are covered (because of the location on my back, side and belly.) Its easy to cover my wrist tattoos as well. Some people choose to hang art on their walls. I choose to hang it on my body. I also know of a lady in her 60s who got her first tattoo at 58 She got it on her leg. It doesnt look bad. Yes our society judges people by the way they look and I think that is sad. My tattoos are for me and noone else. Guess that is why they are in places not normally seen by others.

storybeader said...

I've never been in a tattoo "parlor" either. My DH has two tattoos: one from the Marines and another, a mermaid. I'm glad the mermaid is high enough on his arm to be covered by a t-shirt. It is pretty, but not appropriate for all occasions. I have none! {:-D

NanE said...

Very interesting subject today! I do think that tattooing is an art form and I've seen some stunning tats. BUT... I too think they are a mistake and think most people will regret it when they get older. I really don't mind the small, inconspicuous ones but I have to be honest, when I see someone with tattoos all over their body, it makes me wonder what is lacking in their personality to want to do this. Just my two cents :)

Jo said...

How cool that you went out and made a field trip just for the letter I ... and i enjoyed your topic! great pics!

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

Fascinating to say the least! Tattoo always looks very interesting to me, and you've documented well.

Ames said...

Incredible post! Our postal clerk has tattoos and odd piercings and he is the nicest person. Some tattos are very artisitc and others not so much.
Thanks for bringing this to everyones attention. I too am one of those person's that has worked in an unconventional job and had to endure all kinds of critising. I was made to feel like I was a second class citizen.~Ames

Wanda said...

What an outside-the-box idea this was. Good for you!

I must admit, I just don't "get" tattoos. They are just so permanent. What happens if you fall out of love with the person whose name is tattooed somewhere? Or if your opinions on a subject change so they are in conflict with something that's prominently inked?

Steph said...

You are so creative and bold! You make me smile. Great photos too. I started using Pinterest this month and occasionally a sweet ankle, wrist, or shoulder tatoo will come up. Some of them are quite delicate and symbolic. But I'm too old school and afraid of pain. :) Happy Chinese New Year!

Cheryl said...

No ink in our very large family until my "straight-edge" nephew was old enough to make his own choices. The funny thing is that he convinced his older sister to get one, then his dad (my bro) to get a couple. My SIL is the lone hold-out.

Freedom of choice is a fantastic right we are privileged to enjoy. The artistry of the some of the body art on folks I know is amazing.

The Poet said...

Tattoo artists are indeed very creative. Even if pigs could fly, you'd still never see me decorating this body with that kind of ink...I'm a true coward when it comes to any sort of pain! LOL
I'm proud of you for stepping outside your comfort got some really good shots.
Thanks for sharing. I appreciate the visit too.

Into Nothingness...

Sandy said...

9 years ago my then 17 yr old daughter took me to a tattoo shop and gave me a tattoo for my birthday. I was scared and stunned but I went though with it. A tiny red rose on my chest. Hidden but it's there. I did go back to the shop with her while she had another put on her body, she has 6 now. Most are hidden but she loves them.
I enjoyed your photos as I've seen the real thing in that shop! Very interesting!

Splendid Little Stars said...

A family portrait with the hubby, kids, grandkids, dogs and the rabbit inked anywhere on your body might be very entertaining! ;-)

This is a very fascinating and well-executed post! It was great of the artist to let you take photographs!

KDL said...

Way to get out of your comfort zone and make a stunningly interesting post. I doubt I would ever think of something I want indelibly inked on my body. I think face paint serves very nicely when I want art for a day or so on my skin. That said I have several friends and family with tattoos, some with several/large/prominent. I find the whole thing fascinating, but not for me :-) Thanks for stopping by The Simple Life

Unknown said...

I adore tattoos. While some may be bad, others are awesome and there is usually a story behind most of them that tell you a little about the person. They can be tacky, they can be tasteful, and they can be regretable but they are art and I do love me some art:-)

Anonymous said...

Well this got everyone talking :) Lovely post. I think you treating this subject very well. I am tattooed but thankfully had the foresite at 18 to know that I would never want that choice affecting the rest of my life. No visible tattoos for this gal.

Jenny said...

I love you!

It is a darned good thing we don't live close together cuz we would be in all kinds of trouble.

Here's a link to a tattoo related post that might make you laugh!

I've been known to stop scary guys and talk to them about their tats. I like it as an art form...I'd be too chicken to actually do it.

Love the way you live your life large, girl! You are really awesome!

Thanks for sharing this!
