There's that "early bird gets the worm" saying...but I like to think that there is a greater reward for passing up lovely sleep than catching some slimy worm. The morning light is so exquisite that we decided to get up a little earlier than normal on a Sunday morning...OK, a LOT we could revel in it... and revel we did. It was well worth it.
The colors were like fiery taco seasoning...or the countless varieties of curry. It was nothing short of s.p.i.c.y. for our eyeballs!!
Even the bare rocks of the craggy mountain showed off their rich colors.

Driving back to the house, we passed these two girls who were enjoying the early morning too...I'll scratch your back if you'll scratch mine.

All that talk of spicy things lead me to decide to prepare fresh salsa with the tomatillos and peppers from the garden of my friend, Louise. Thanks, Louise! Yum. Que rico!! There's nothing like a little spice to get your day going!!
Isn't Utah just beautiful in the fall? The aspen's are the best.
Those colors have gotten a lot more vibrant since the last photos.
Amazing beauty!
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